Are you suffering from anxiety and depression and looking for professional help? You are not sure if you require inpatient treatment facilities for anxiety and depression? Read till the very end as you will get your queries answered.
Anxiety and depression can alter your daily life functioning into stressful challenges. Many treatment facilities have been recently established to help people with anxiety disorders and depression.
Let’s look at what services do these treatment facilities offer.
Treatment facilities for anxiety and depression
Treatment facilities for anxiety and depression provide a supportive environment to people who are suffering from the challenging symptoms of anxiety and depression.
They offer various therapies and coping strategies all under one roof. Many dedicated psychotherapists and psychiatrists are at your service to help you overcome your symptoms.
You might suffer from depression and anxiety one at a time or sometimes they occur simultaneously. This is why mental health programs focus on treating both. Some therapies aimed at treating anxiety disorders can also help in the management of depression. This allows targeting two problems at a single time.
Treatment options for anxiety and depressive disorders offered at treatment centers include:
1. Relaxation Techniques
Various relaxation techniques and holistic approaches with the help of professional support are offered.
2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive-behavioral therapy aims to help people to unlearn thoughts and behavior patterns that might be harmful to them.
It’s a practical therapy for unhealthy thoughts to be replaced with better and positive alternatives.
3. Exposure Therapy
This therapy involves controlled and monitored exposure to certain stimuli or triggers to desensitize people from them. This helps in managing these triggering situations in the future.
4. Medication
Medications aimed to treat anxiety and depression are mostly prescribed to manage the symptoms. The medication works more effectively when given simultaneously with other therapies and coping strategies.
5. Stress Management and Mind-Body Healing
This treatment strategy mainly focuses on therapy programs such as yoga, tai chi, etc. to manage stress and heal the mind.
They not only help people to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and stress but also enhance the connection between body and mind.
6. Group Therapy
Group therapy sessions have become very popular recently. They’ve proven to have an optimistic impact on the symptoms of depression and anxiety. People suffering from somewhat similar conditions support each other and learn from one another.
Do I need inpatient treatment for anxiety?

Whether you need inpatient medical care for anxiety it not depends on various factors. The severity of your symptoms and your surrounding environment all matter. There could be many factors that might lead to the favor of getting inpatient treatment of anxiety.
If your anxiety is too severe as if it’s threatening and causing serious problems in your day-to-day life, you might be needing inpatient treatment of anxiety. The residential facility offers intensive treatment and support for anxiety.
Another reason a person might consider opting for residential treatment for anxiety is that it offers several therapies all under one roof.
You can receive psychotherapy, CBT, and exposure treatments in a single residential anxiety center. It’s easier and more convenient for the patient and provides the faster treatment.
Moreover, a patient can get other benefits as well while being at an inpatient anxiety treatment facility. A dietitian can help with his/ her physical health as anxiety can affect your diet and cause stomach problems.
A person will always be surrounded by supportive and friendly people, providing emotional support at all times. Many recreational activities will also benefit the patient to distract his mind from anxiety.
Can you go to inpatient for anxiety?
Yes! Inpatient services for people suffering from severe anxiety are available at various places. For someone who is suffering from co-occurring mental health disorders, inpatient anxiety treatment is often considered the best option.
If your symptoms do not improve with self-therapy or outpatient services, you should consult your doctor or psychiatrist and get inpatient treatment.
How long is inpatient treatment for anxiety?
Inpatient treatment can take an average duration of four to six weeks. However, it might be even more if the symptoms do not improve.
If the residential anxiety treatment provides 24-hour staffing and help, then the typical duration of stay is one or two months. Average lengths of stay maybe three to four weeks.
Residential anxiety treatment centers provide a comfortable environment to make the patients feel at home and relax. People suffering from depression and anxiety might need in-patient treatment at some point in their lives.
In most cases, to stabilize a mental health crisis, a patient might consider admitting to an inpatient anxiety center to avoid any harm which he/ she might cause himself or herself or another person. The stay could be a week long.
High functioning anxiety
What is high functioning anxiety? Many people are suffering from it but they don’t know about it. Let’s discuss it in detail.
People who have high functioning anxiety seem very normal as they are able to complete their jobs and seem to appear very normal in their social lives, but inside they aren’t normal. They are feeling the same symptoms a person with an anxiety disorder is feeling.
Internally, they feel intense feelings of fear, nervousness, racing heart and mind, and gastrointestinal distress. People with high functioning anxiety notice that their symptoms of anxiety propel them towards work rather than leaving them behind.
They appear to be very successful and calm on the surface, however internally they may be overthinking or overdoing. They may be constantly fighting with their minds but with a calm exterior.
This is more like a silent killer as nobody will ever know or believe something is ever wrong with such people because they portray themselves to be very normal. Their struggle and fear of failure lead them to success.
Here are a few symptoms and signs of high-functioning anxiety
- Talking a lot, mostly nervous talk
- A people pleaser, constantly trying to please people around them
- Overthinking
- Overdoing
- A habit of repeating things
- Need frequent reassurance
- Often procrastinate and overwork
- Avoids eye contact
- Cannot say “No” even if they want to
- Insomnia or difficulty falling asleep
- Racing mind and negative thoughts
- Very limited social life
- Always worrying about the future
- Others consider them cold or unable to understand them
If you ever feel like you’re feeling any of these symptoms of anxiety, or emotional distress although being an overachiever, you may be having high functions anxiety. You should get it checked or consult your doctor as it might cause you real-life struggles.
Symptoms of anxiety

Anxiety disorder alters how a person behaves, thinks, and functions in his/ her daily life. The symptoms might be mild but a few suffer from serious symptoms.
These symptoms can be both, psychological as well as physical. Following are the common symptoms of anxiety disorder.
- Feeling stressful, tense, and restless
- Palpitations
- Tachycardia
- Hyperventilation (rapid shallow breathing)
- Sweating excessively
- Trembling
- Shaking
- Weak, tired and irritable
- Unable to concentrate
- Loss of sleep, insomnia
- Difficulty in falling or staying asleep
- Feeling being “on-edge” and nervous
- Stomach ache or feeling a knot in the stomach
- Diarrhea
- Nausea and vomiting
- Feeling down or easily irritated
Anxiety can also make a person feel as if he’s going to die or choke on something. It can severely affect a person’s mental state and make him weak and tired as if no energy is left in him.
How to deal with depression?

Depression is not a simple disorder to deal with as the symptoms can worsen with time. It literally drains the strength, hope, and will out of a person as some forms of depression be very severe. Let’s first have a look at the depression definition.
Depression is defined as an emotional disorder marked by a persistent feeling of sadness and low self-worth which can affect your daily life. Your daily functioning can hinder and slow down.
Everything around you seems to be black and white and nothing sparks interest anymore. Your mind keeps on giving you negative thoughts and ideas which can take over your body.
People having depression may feel as if they can’t function anymore. Doing daily chores or daily tasks may seem exhausting or impossible for them. So let’s get to the main question, how can you deal with depression or overcome the challenging symptoms.
You can follow a few steps mentioned below to overcome depression.
Reach out and stay connected with friends and family
Most of the time, a supporting hand by a friend and family can help you overcome the symptoms of depression. You might feel it difficult to maintain a healthy life, physically and emotionally on your own. That’s why getting support is very essential.
Depression usually isolates people from others and talking or staying connected to friends and family may seem a difficult task. You may be neglecting people around you who can help you with depression.
You shouldn’t feel ashamed or guilty in asking for help as reaching for help is not a weakness.
Staying connected and reaching out can have a positive impact on your life. Your loved ones will never leave you alone as they care about you.
Sometimes even talking out your mind can calm you as you feel relaxed around people who care about you.
Do things you enjoy or distract your mind
You need to distract your mind and try to do the things while you enjoy or used to enjoy before the depression.
Find yourself a hobby that can relax your mind and give you pleasure. Even if you can’t do it all at once, try it slowly and don’t give up.
You can go out for exercise or play games you love. Read a book that inspires you or talk to friends even if you don’t feel like doing it.
Maintain healthy lifestyle
A healthy body is important for a healthy mind. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to overcome depression.
Try to get sleep for at least eight hours. Although depression can ruin your sleep cycle, you can still try to follow a healthy sleep schedule.
Go for exercise every day as it will refresh your mind. You can even do yoga as it can also be quite relaxing. Cut out any toxic habits and toxic friends as they can worsen your condition.
Eat healthily and drink healthy
Maintain a healthy balanced diet and avoid foods with too much caffeine and fats. Avoid alcohol and high sugar foods. Eat healthy and fresh food and do not skip meals.
Cut out any junk food even though you might be craving them. They are not healthy and cause gastrointestinal distress.
Ask for professional help
If you’ve taken these steps and still don’t feel any progress, seek professional help either consult your doctor or a therapist.
A doctor or a psychiatrist can guide you professionally and even prescribe you some medications to make you feel better.
Sometimes a severe or persistent depressive disorder requires professional help as self-help techniques might not work as effectively. Do not feel shy or guilty as the symptoms might worsen if you don’t get help.
It is important that we understand surviving with anxiety and depression can get very hard. Despite following self-help tips, reaching out to treatment facilities for anxiety and depression can help with the overall progress of overcoming these life-altering diseases. Do not feel embarrassed or shy as seeking help is not a sign of being weak.
Look around and try to help people who might be struggling on the side despite their calm appearance. Be supportive and helpful!